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The Prototype
Using Arduino code we created a circuit of LED lights to be enclosed on our laser alarm clock. 
Low Fidelity Prototype | Sleep Inertia 

How someone will wear/use the system while doing normal day-to-day activities (e.g., walking to class, eating, etc.)

  • The device will likely be set by a bed for personal use when waking up in the morning

Where the Lilypad Arduino will be stored/located

  • The Lilypad Arduino will be stored inside the enclosure of the box type alarm clock.

Where the LEDs will be located and visible

  • The LEDs will be located in vertical lines on the front of the box and visible from all sides.

(If used) Where the “button” will be located and how the connection will be made to activate and deactivate the button

  • The button will be located on the top of the box under a latch that will open and close for accessibility to “snooze”

What part is 3D printed

  • The box itself will be 3D printed along with the latch used to cover the “snooze” button

What part is laser cut

  • Holes for the LED light and the charging port

Prototype : Physical Enclosure Final Product
After reading completed studies on sleep inertia, my team and I learned that it occurs during the first couple of minutes of waking up. Some of the symptoms include grogginess, lack of spatial awareness an effect on cognitive ability. After learning this we sent out a survey to several college students and we conducted some in-person interviews asking about sleeping habits and their experiences with the symptoms of sleep inertia. From our research, we learned that light and sound help to reduce sleep inertia and with waking up in the morning. As a result, we created this alarm clock that when your charging phone alarm goes off, the box lights up in a sequence producing a light show. The purpose of this device is to help reduce sleep inertia so that college students, the population we surveyed, can have an easier time waking up in the morning and are able to hit the ground running faster. 
Created 2018 by Carla, Carly, and Lauren 
Enclosure link here.
Video of Device Working
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